Fast food Mallorcan style
You may be surprised by the title Fast food Mallorcan style, but on the island we have our own solution for modern living. It is clear that in every age there is a nation that is the most powerful in the world and that influences others in their way of seeing life, culture, fashions, tastes etc,
So was Rome, so were Spain, France and England, and so is the United States today. With their military and economic power, their big companies, their language, the Hollywood film industry … they have transmitted to us many concepts and values that are now considered universal.
The American concept
Who doesn’t have jeans in the closet? Who hasn’t eaten a burger recently?
But to tell the truth, in terms of gastronomy, the United States has little or nothing to teach us Spaniards or the Mediterranean in general. Because for hundreds of years we have had excellent fruits and vegetables, meat, fish… and above all, a lot of imagination to combine them. And to make extraordinary products, simple but tasty.
The cocarroi – fast food Mallorcan style
Here in Mallorca we have one of them, the Cocarrois, which they say is the fast food a la mallorquina.
The word is somewhat peculiar, but to get an easy idea it comes to be an empanada made of wheat flour dough and stuffed inside. You can choose the most typical, vegetable cocarroi (based on chard, spinach, onion, and sometimes some pine nuts and raisins) or onion cocarroi (with onion, tomato and a little spice). Some bakeries offer a choice of salty or sweet dough.
In the past, it was a product linked to the Lenten season and prepared by many housewives themselves. Nowadays practically all the bakeries and pastry shops in Mallorca offer them all year round.
I have my favorite places to buy them, and the truth is that as a healthy, light and easy food for me they are unrivaled.
Don’t stop trying them if you come to Mallorca!