Pan con sobrasada
Posted on / by Productes de Mallorca / in Gastronomy

Ways to enjoy sobrasada

Those who enjoy cooking say that the more you know, the less you need to stick strictly to a particular recipe. Because you develop a kind of ‘sixth sense’ with which you know which ingredients go best together, in what proportions to mix them, how long each ingredient needs to be fired for …

But even so, even the most cooks like to discover new ideas and concepts, new products, or new ways of using products they already know.

So today we will show you some ways to enjoy sobrassada, to use it in tasty recipes. There are recipes of varying degrees of complexity and, although we cannot go into detail on each of these recipes here, they will certainly help you to stimulate your imagination.

Simple recipes for enjoying sobrasada

The easiest way to eat sobrasada is simply to spread it on a piece of good bread. It is usually spread as is, but if you prefer, you can also braise it a little.

  • Mallorcan-style chicken breasts a la mallorquina: Sometimes chicken is a bit boring, but if you cut a chicken breast in half and put some sobrassada in the middle, bread it and then fry it, you will see how tasty it is.

Recipes with sobrasada, a little more elaborate

  • Croquettes with sobrasada: The best way to make the most of ham, meat or fish and give it a special touch with a little bit of sobrasada. If you prefer, make them with spicy sobrasada.
  • Macaroni with sobrasada: A delicious sauce made with olive oil, onion, garlic, peeled and crushed tomato and, of course, diced sobrassada. Excellent with a good plate of macaroni.
  • Squids with sobrasada: A dish with more contrasting flavours, a combination of ‘land and sea’. With this video you may learn how to prepare it

A couple of recipes with sobrasada, more sophisticated now

  • Mellow rice with artichokes and sobrasada: Make a sauce with garlic, onion and olive oil. Then add the peeled tomato and the sobrassada, to the cook’s taste. The rice and the artichokes are cooked separately and, so that the textures and flavours integrate, everything is put together and cooked for about 10 minutes.
  • Pork loin, stuffed with figs and sobrassada: A more laborious dish, but exquisite. It involves making a kind of gypsy’s arm with the loin, and filling the spaces with a paste made from other meats, egg yolk, figs, pine nuts and sobrassada to taste. To do this, the loin must be cut in a spiral, from the outside inwards, and stuffed with the paste, which can be seasoned as desired.

Apart from the ones we have mentioned, I am sure that if you are a little ingenious in the kitchen you will come up with a thousand more ways to enjoy sobrasada in dishes of your own invention. It’s just a matter of trying it out!

Recipes courtesy of the Regulatory Council of the PGI ‘Sobrassada de Mallorca’.
