Fonoll marí
Posted on / by Productes de Mallorca / in Gastronomy

Fonoll marí

In another post we talked about Pa amb Oli, one of the most typical dishes in Mallorca: easy, economical and tasty. In the explanatory video we show you that a good Pa amb Oli is usually accompanied by some branches of fonoll marí, but…

What is the fonoll marí?

It is a wild plant, with the scientific name Crithmum maritimum, which is quite common on the coasts of the Mediterranean, although it is also found in northern Spain and other areas of Europe. The Greeks and Romans already ate it, raw for salads and as a cooked vegetable in their dishes.

It usually grows in the cracks of rocks and cliffs, and surely for that reason the ancient sailors knew it very well. Stored in vinegar and salt, and thanks to its vitamin C content, it was ideal for fighting scurvy.

Today this disease has been overcome, but the fonoll marí still has unconditional fans, because in addition to an intense flavor and aroma is rich in iodine, mineral salts and vitamin C among many other elements. With all this it turns out to be very healthy, because it helps digestion, is diuretic, purifies the liver and benefits the thyroid.


On the north coast of Mallorca

Precisely that characteristic, being rich in vitamin C, was what made me think of the fonoll marí to cover my needs during a voyage. A week in a canoe along the north coast of Mallorca, during which I had to feed exclusively on what I fished. I also had to bring all the fresh water I could possibly need. I would get the vitamin C by adding the fonoll marí to my diet, but unfortunately I didn’t take the goats into account! The fact is that on the north coast of Mallorca the goats come right up to the shore, and they love this plant, so no matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find it.


In short, if you come to Mallorca you can easily buy it in shops, preserved in vinegar in small glass jars. Or even better, eat a good Pa amb Oli and taste it directly: healthy and delicious!


The beautiful cover photo of this post, taken on the coast of Mallorca, belongs to Pep Bonet Capella.


Fonoll marí is one of the ingredients of pa amb oli. Follow the link to learn something about this healthy and popular traditional Mallorcan dish: Pa amb oli

Pa amb oli


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