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Autumn buñuelos

This is a typical sweet from Mallorca, they are autumn buñuelos. It is the food representative of the festival of the Virgins, known locally as the festivitat de les Verges It is typical, above all, on the night of 20 October, the vigil of Saint Ursula and the eleven thousand virgins of Cologne.

That night, in the city of Palma, young men traditionally went to the girls’ house to sing serenades, and the next day they were invited to eat buñuelos.

What happens in other towns of Mallorca:

In Manacor, it was the young women who went from house to house collecting pomegranates, quinces and bunches of raisins.

Both in Petra and in San Juan on the eve of All Saints’ Day (31 October) buñuelos were made for the bellmen, who spent the whole night ringing the bells.

In Banyalbufar, on the feast day of Santa Catalina, the 25th of November, the young people went again to sing at the girls’ house.

As soon as the cold weather arrives, you can buy buñuelos in a multitude of street stalls. The truth is that they are so delicious that it was not necessary to have much of an excuse to eat them.

The recipe we are writing to you is from Tomeu Arbona, a cook and pastry chef who has recovered almost forgotten recipes from Balearic gastronomy.


1 glass of water from the boiling of the sweet potato (in Mallorca moniato) and the potato

250 g of loose flour

50 g fresh yeast

½ kg boiled sweet potato and potato paste

Olive oil

2 egg yolks

1 whole egg

Autumn buñuelos
sweet potatoes


Mix all the ingredients and let the mixture rest in a sheltered place until it doubles in volume.

Put a deep paella with oil on the fire and wait until it starts to bubble.

Autumn buñuelos
frying buñuelos

To fry, take a ball of pasta and with slightly wet fingers make a hole with your finger in the middle of the ball while leaving it in the hot oil.

Serve warm buñuelos, battered in sugar or dipped in natural honey of the best quality.

If you come to the island you can enjoy the autumn fritters, a sweet so typical of Mallorca in this season. And very soon, with the arrival of the cold weather, the traditional slaughters that bring us the long awaited frit de matances. In the link below, we tell you about this tasty winter dish. Those of you who are going to visit the island take good note: Frit de matances

Frit de matances
