Jaume Munar maestro de la sobrasada
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Jaume Munar, a master of sobrasada

Artisan, master of sobrasada

Jaume Munar a master of sobrasada, current manager of the company Embutidos Munar, obtained the certificate of MAESTRO ARTESANO, certified with nº 1067 by the Consell de Mallorca in 2015.

The letter of master craftsman is obtained after many years of experience and the support of at least 3 master craftsmen of his guild who certify the craftsmanship and skills of the candidate. After certain mastery tests, it must be approved by the Comisión Insular de Artesanía del Consell de Mallorca (Insular Crafts Commission of the Consell de Mallorca).


Munar master craftsman

Master craftsman son of a master craftsman

Jaume Munar Prohens, who was a great entrepreneur, founded the company in 1942, in the town of Felanitx. His wife, grandmother of our protagonist and a great cook, also collaborated by contributing her family recipes, especially the paté Artesano.

The second generation of this family saga, Pep Lluís Munar, studied Engineering in Barcelona. On his return to Mallorca, he decided to modernize the facilities thanks to his extensive technical knowledge, but always respecting the traditional way of production. In order to have more space and better conditions, he decided to move the production to a new building in Porreres, the neighboring village. In addition to being an engineer, he is a gastronomy sybarite and a perfectionist in search of quality. All this together helped him to obtain the title of master craftsman.

Jaume Munar Ribot, third generation of the family, writer and a lover of local culture, has taken the lead in maintaining the tradition of producing quality sobrasada. He is the official taster of the Regulatory Council of Sobrasada de Mallorca, as well as holding the title of master craftsman.


In our visit to their facilities tells us a curiosity and is that “Since 1942 the company has never needed a commercial department, as Mallorcans know very well our sobrasada and ask for it from many parts of the island. We have a great demand”.

“Being faithful to tradition is a value that Mallorcans appreciate very much and that is perhaps our best guarantee”.


Congratulations to Jaume Munar, a true master of sobrasada, and a job well done!


If you follow the link you will discover how the tradition of producing quality pâtés came to Mallorca: The tradition of the pâtés in Mallorca

The tradition of the pâtés in Mallorca

