Month: October 2019

Fast food a la mallorquina

Fast food Mallorcan style

You may be surprised by the title Fast food Mallorcan style, but on the island we have our own solution for modern living. It is clear that in every age…

El precursor

The precursor of the helicopter

A peasant from Mallorca, the precursor of the helicopter We are all moved by the stories of those who have a vision, a very clear idea in their head, and…


Autumn buñuelos

This is a typical sweet from Mallorca, they are autumn buñuelos. It is the food representative of the festival of the Virgins, known locally as the festivitat de les Verges…

The dove of anise

The dove of anise

A strange phrase, the one about the dove of anise. Some of you will remember the name “Anís la paloma”. Popular wisdom is sometimes mixed with fantastic theories that explain…

The almond of Mallorca

Almond from Mallorca

The almond from Mallorca has had and has fame of being an almond of great quality. The best confectioners in Europe use it to make their specialties, thanks to its…

You are a vulture

You are a vulture

The expression “eres un buitre” or “you are a vulture” I’m sure if someone tells you eres un buitre or you are a vulture, you’re not going to like it…

Joan Miro
Iconic characters

Joan Miró and Mallorca

“Island of calm”… with that name is also known to Mallorca, and surely that is what our island transmitted to Joan Miró, tranquility and much peace. This famous painter was…

Jaume Munar maestro de la sobrasada

Jaume Munar, a master of sobrasada

Artisan, master of sobrasada Jaume Munar a master of sobrasada, current manager of the company Embutidos Munar, obtained the certificate of MAESTRO ARTESANO, certified with nº 1067 by the Consell…

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